Rozšírenie záruky CISCO


(€781,44 bez DPH)
€2 473,74
(€2 061,45 bez DPH)
€1 731,63
(€1 443,03 bez DPH)
(€714,18 bez DPH)
(€430,52 bez DPH)
(€191,69 bez DPH)
€1 176,17
(€980,14 bez DPH)
(€686,75 bez DPH)
(€339,88 bez DPH)
(€204,31 bez DPH)
526 položiek celkom
€781,44 bez DPH

Essentials licence pro 48 portový switch na 3 roky

Kód: 51320101LIC30
€2 061,45 bez DPH
€2 473,74

Z4 Advantage License and Support, 10 Years

Kód: 5135M4ZL030
€1 443,03 bez DPH
€1 731,63

Z4 Advantage License and Support, 7 Years

Kód: 5135M4ZL029
€714,18 bez DPH

Z4 Advantage License and Support, 5 Years

Kód: 5135M4ZL028
€430,52 bez DPH

Z4 Advantage License and Support, 3 Years

Kód: 5135M4ZL027
€191,69 bez DPH

Z4 Advantage License and Support, 1 Years

Kód: 5135M4ZL026
€980,14 bez DPH
€1 176,17

Z4 Enterprise License and Support, 10 Years

Kód: 5135M4ZL025
€686,75 bez DPH

Z4 Enterprise License and Support, 7 Years

Kód: 5135M4ZL024
€339,88 bez DPH

Z4 Enterprise License and Support, 5 Years

Kód: 5135M4ZL023
€204,31 bez DPH

Z4 Enterprise License and Support, 3 Years

Kód: 5135M4ZL022
€90,98 bez DPH

Z4 Enterprise License and Support, 1 Years

Kód: 5135M4ZL021
€212,17 bez DPH

Cisco Licence C9200CX-DNAE8-3Y

Kód: 51320101LIC44
€212,17 bez DPH

Cisco Licence C9200CX-DNAE12-3Y

Kód: 51320101LIC43
€1 441,13 bez DPH
€1 729,36

Meraki MG51 Enterpsise License and Support, 10Y

Kód: 5135M8MGL016
€1 011,69 bez DPH
€1 214,03

Meraki MG51 Enterpsise License and Support, 7Y

Kód: 5135M8MGL015
€723,95 bez DPH

Meraki MG51 Enterpsise License and Support, 5Y

Kód: 5135M8MGL014
€437,31 bez DPH

Meraki MG51 Enterpsise License and Support, 3Y

Kód: 5135M8MGL013
€195,23 bez DPH

Meraki MG51 Enterpsise License and Support, 1Y

Kód: 5135M8MGL012
€2 293,44 bez DPH
€2 752,13

Meraki MG41 Enterpsise License and Support, 10Y

Kód: 5135M8MGL011
€1 609,88 bez DPH
€1 931,86

Meraki MG41 Enterpsise License and Support, 7Y

Kód: 5135M8MGL010
€1 149,63 bez DPH
€1 379,55

Meraki MG41 Enterpsise License and Support, 5Y

Kód: 5135M8MGL009
€693,28 bez DPH

Meraki MG41 Enterpsise License and Support, 3Y

Kód: 5135M8MGL008
€309,50 bez DPH

Meraki MG41 Enterpsise License and Support, 1Y

Kód: 5135M8MGL007
€561,72 bez DPH

Kód: 513201032LIC05
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